Professional home inspection services

Welcome to Mozy Home Inspection. I provide professional and thorough home inspection services in Willow, Houston, Wasilla, Palmer, and Butte, Alaska areas. I am a licensed, bonded, and insured inspector and I am dedicated to ensuring your peace of mind when it comes to your home. I aim to deliver thorough inspections and reports, giving you the information and confidence you need to make informed decisions. All of my reports include photos of the home, property, and any deficiency I may find. My reports have an index page, a summary page, and a detailed report with clear sections.
Schedule an appointment with me today!

Pricing made easy at a glance.

$250 for the first 1000 square feet
$400 for 1001-2300 square feet
$550 for 2301 - 3300 square feet
$700 for 3301 - 4300 square feet

Please call or text for a full quote for multi family homes (up to 4-plex) and/or homes above 4300 square feet.

Call, text, or email for a full quote or schedule your appointment.
Call or Text: 907-707-8388

Mozy Home Inspections is licensed to preform inspections on existing homes that have been fully built. We are committed to expanding our list of services and qualifications in the near future.

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